Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Voice Thread

The Process of creating this video was very confusing. I honestly did not like it, the only part that I found interesting is where you can write on the pictures and add in voice comments. I believe that this type of program would be good to use for teaching college class but in high school or any lower grade. I feel that most students would get lost trying to create the video.

Photo Peach

Famous Psychologist on PhotoPeach

If I had choose what video maker was easier to use I would go with Animoto. If I would have to go with what program produces better videos I would say Photo Peach, Although if I were to upgrade my membership with Animoto they would probably have more to offer. But as far as the free program you can make longer and better videos with Photo Peach. Go try them both out and let me know what you think!


Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

If you are wondering how to use Animoto, and if it is easy or hard I am going to tell you it is very easy. If I had to choose the hardest part about creating the video I would say that it was picking out the pictures. The easy part of creating this video is that the program does all of the effect for you. I would love to use this with my student making this 30 second video was so easy and fun that everyone could do it in a class period.

B.F Skinner Foundation

In this educational blog I will be providing information about the B.F Skinner foundation.  The Foundation mission is to promote the science that B.F skinner has founded. Because the Foundation promotes the science that B.F Skinner it allows the world to be humane.  According to the foundation website the way the foundation provided a more humane world is by”replacing coercive techniques with positive procedures.
 The foundation website provides a lot of information about B.F Skinner experiments and life experiences. One of the experiments that I find to be most interesting is the pigeon project.  The way that Skinner came about working with pigeon is because in 1944 the World War II was in full action. Skinner wanted to help with the war, the airplanes and bombs were common in this year but there were no missiles. Skinner thought that he could train pigeons to guide bombs.
The foundation website provides a lot of information about B.F Skinner life achievements, his family and his work as a Psychologist.  The website also allows you to get involved and help the world.  If you would like to learn about the Skinner and the foundation visit the website at http://www.bfskinner.org/BFSkinner/AboutSkinner.html
*Note: All information and Pictures comes from the B.F skinner foundation website.